

We are extremely straightforward and honest with our candidates. Dealings with our recruitment consultants are relevant; recruitment consultants are highly knowledgeable regarding the client and the role. We always get back to our candidates and we make a concerted effort to place you in a job that will advance you in your career within an employer where your values and goals match those of the client.

Our relationship goes beyond mere recruitment; we become an extension to the HR Department; we earn the loyalty of our clients..

Success in placing candidates For every 3 CVs submitted AtripleA Recruitment & Temps invariably obtains 2 interviews with 1 placement.
Our Recruitment Agency boasts a 70% successful placement rate on the specs we assist with.
Quality Representation We have a large relevant database (50 000 candidates) of which 80% are based in Gauteng and 20% other, 70% is Employment Equity and 10% is Temporary Staff.
Track Record of Success Our track record speaks for itself; specifically within our Specialised Recruitment Division – we are masters within these areas and boast a long list of reputable employers of choice that we assist.
Specialised Focus AtripleA Recruitment & Temps’ consultants specialize in the industries they serve; ensuring a more knowledgeable approach in dealings with candidates. 
Service Service is a non-negotiable at AtripleA Recruitment & Temps. We aim to offer a personalised service to candidates.  We are extremely honest and straightforward with candidates.  We will always provide you with the necessary feedback.
Knowledgeable Consultants Recruitment Consultants are highly knowledgeable regarding the client and the role.  Dealings with our recruitment consultants are relevant. 
Access to Engineering/Construction related open positions We have an undeniable strength within the Engineering and Construction Sector.  We boast a long list of engineering and construction related clients and are working on numerous job specifications at any given time.  Candidates within this sector should definitely consider approaching us to represent them based on our access to varied open positions.


If you are interested in jobs within the following industries AtripleA Recruitment & Temps boasts a list of highly credible clients within the following sectors:

  • Engineering
  • Construction
  • Petrochemical
  • Transport
  • IT
  • Manufacturing
  • Government / Parastatal
  • Construction
  • Petrochemical
  • Transport
  • IT
  • Manufacturing
  • Government / Parastatal
  • Telecommunications
  • Media
  • Medical
  • Security
  • Insurance
  • Education

Click here to view credentials of our team.
Click here to submit your CV.